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[IMVU] vertex error message in Blender

wildlion · 24 · 48901

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Offline wildlion

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I got problem with blender that makes ma mesh invisible in the previewer of imvu (virtual 3D world). When I was exporting my mesh and armatures with cal3D i found some warning that says that vertexes are 0.0 and if it divided by that number it will be zero. and I need to check vertexes. actually I dunno what that means but would like to get help so as i can do my mesh  (furniture). anyone can help me please?

Offline kat

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That usually happens when the mesh doesn't have any vertex groups assigned to it. Or, if it does, they're not correctly named - the group has to have the same name as the bone that's associated with them, so for a simple bit of furniture that would be "Root" if you were using KatsBits example file.

OT: When you post try to avoid using 'txt' speak and spell check before hand (the forum has that feature built in but if you have Google Toolbar that has one as well), it just helps those that don't speak English as a first language understand what's being discussed.

Offline pazur

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Google Toolbar is evil... I use the spell check of Firefox.

Offline kat

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Google Toolbar is evil... I use the spell check of Firefox.
It is yes, but not all browsers has a native checker.

Offline wildlion

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finally it worked but the mesh and the armatures (also standing node) are parallel to  the floor not perpendicular like norlmal, any idea how i can fix that?

Offline kat

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You mean they're lying on their back? Take a screenshot and post here if you can. At a guess though that's probably going to be related to not 'fixing' the position of the objects before you exported. Have a look at the IMVU videos in the YouTube section of the forum, those will help you figure out what's going on.

Offline wildlion

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u mean the ctrl+a? i do that but weird menu pop up i am sure it's not ctrl+a and if it is what i should choose from the 4 choices?

Offline kat

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If you've got four options showing it's "Scale and Rotation to ObData". You need to make sure to *unparent* the mesh from the armature before doing that though. Reparent once applied.

Offline wildlion

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did everything u said then began new project with ur template but still same problem :/

Offline kat

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Ok, you need to follow this next bit to the letter. First the reason why that happened (so you know what it is when it happens again). That problem crops up as a result for one of or both of the following reasons,

  • A) either the avatar nodes have been left at 90º to the grid, or
  • B) when you connected all the bone together in the armature; you connected the 'object' rig section to the 'avatar' rig section.
Doing either of those will screw up the eventual rotation. So, to fix. If it's;

  • A) then you need to rotate the avatar node bones slightly (as a unit - don't rotate them separately otherwise that'll cause more problems); even if you need the avi spot at right-angles to your furniture item you *must* rotate by at least 1º.
  • B) when joining the separate armature sections together you *must* select the objects armature section last. In other words you're connecting everything else *to* the "Root" bone.
If you still have problems then you're probably missing another step somewhere or doing something else that's 'breaking' the exported results - it's *very* easy to do that by the way. You've got to be quite methodical when it comes to this stage of the process to make sure you've got everything set up correctly.

Offline wildlion

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Thought about taking a pic for ma mesh and nodes maybe u find sumthing in it and thanks so much for the help

and no i joined the avatar rig to the furniture rig (to  be light pink)

Offline kat

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Yeah, that's likely going to be reason "A" mentioned above, you need to rotate the standing pose spot bones slightly (by at least one degree) so they're not at right angles to the grid. Select the pitcher, catcher, handle and *.standing bone and rotate them as a group.

Offline wildlion

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on x or y or z tho? i tried normal rotate on x but it didn't work :/

Offline kat

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"Z". Just go into 'top' view and rotate that way, that locks you to the correct axis around which to rotate.

Offline wildlion

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did what u told me but still same problem. da pic will show how it is rotated tho