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New Year, new look, new content

kat · 8 · 22980

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A new set of tutorials for Blender; "Blender Basics" covers the interface, how you move around, modeling, materials and UVW mapping the making of a simple chair mesh, guiding those new to the 3D application on it's use; because most of the content on KatsBits is geared towards using Blender to make game and 3D content it's become prudent to have a 'basics' tutorial available so that the core skills required to simply use Blender is covered in it's own material, freeing up other content to focus entirely on their specific subjects, reducing the amount of repeated or duplicated information.

The site's also been updated, including the news system and forums, everything is now being pulled from the new forum, so old news, forums posts and FAQs are now archived. The Elder Scroll: Oblivion game play articles have also been split into sections for easier use; they now comprise of separate articles for gameplay hints and tips, unusual quest and item locations and easter eggs rather than the previous rather long page.

Happy New Year and all that!

Offline ratty redemption

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well done kat, and I was hoping the new forums would be out of beta testing for the new year :)

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Hehe yes.. it's one of the reasons I've been 'quiet' for the past 2 or 3 months as I've been working on this for some time (the past year in fact, just that latter months more intensively) to get it ready for publishing New Years day. I spend the Christmas/New year writing up the new tutorial, working on a couple of others atm, so there's plenty to come.

Offline ratty redemption

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understood and I've been posting some links to your tutorials in the www.gamevixenzone.com modding forums. hope you don't mind?

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Mind? No, it's a modding site by the looks so they need some learning just as much as everybody else! heh  ;D

Offline ratty redemption

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the reason I asked (although after I'd posted the links) is its a site that contains some adult material in the form of certain skin textures and character models, but the regular posters there are as friendly and geeky as us here. just not everyone approves of what they are doing. me personally I find their work more beautiful then sleazy.

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Oh right. From GVZ -> KB should be OK because it's a board dedicated to that, if you're there already then you know what you're doing, so to speak. Not too sure about going from KB -> GVZ though because of the broader appeal KatsBits has; I don't personally have an issue with it but like you mentioned the content could annoy "The Easily Offended".. remember them.. heh! Would probably be safe to do a disclaimer in the link if you needed to "NSFW" or some such ("Not Safe for Work").

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agreed, and if I post any links from here to there, I'll add in nsfw warnings.