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[Blender 2.61] issues, problems & changes

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Offline kat

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There was a discussion about the warning on quit but I don't know how far they got with it, or even if they (the Foundation) decided on what to do about accidentally closing Blender and not having the chance to save the work you were doing. That's always been a big issue as well.

Offline ratty redemption

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understood, and i've accidentally quit blender 2.49b several times because some of the save and quit keys are next to each other, and that's despite the warning. user error in my case, but at least with the key mapping we can disable shortcuts we don't want or need.

Offline ratty redemption

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Q: am i correct in thinking there is no longer transform locks (grab move on axis) while in edit mode available from the menus or properties window? The shortcut keys still work, but i miss having the menu option, and yet in 2.61 we can still do this in object mode, just not edit mode?

Offline ratty redemption

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I've seen that somewhere but I don't remember how I got to it. It doesn't show up when you 'search' for features either (Space bar).

cool, i found it, we can enable it in user preferences > addons > community > 3d view copy attributes menu

Offline kat

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Q: am i correct in thinking there is no longer transform locks (grab move on axis) while in edit mode available from the menus or properties window? The shortcut keys still work, but i miss having the menu option, and yet in 2.61 we can still do this in object mode, just not edit mode?
I don't think that's physically possible because when you're actually in a transform action the mouse is controlling the object so it can't be used to do anything else.

Offline ratty redemption

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the middle mouse transform lock still works, ie we start to move a vert, edge etc in the direction we want and then can restrain it to the nearest axis, but in 2.49 there was menu options to start the grab move on a specific axis, i can't find that option anywhere in 2.61.

wierd though as we can do it in object mode, by using the properties window > object panels > transform locks > location.

Offline kat

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You're referring to "Mesh > Transform > Grab/Move on Axis" in 2.49 et-al, right? Then yes, looks like that's been removed (or moved).

Offline ratty redemption

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Q: i've noticed some modifiers now have two options to apply their effects to the mesh or curve etc. i can't find an explanation of the difference between the default apply and apply as shape, does anyone know what the latter does?

Offline kat

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Q: I've noticed some modifiers now have two options to apply their effects to the mesh or curve etc. i can't find an explanation of the difference between the default apply and apply as shape, does anyone know what the latter does?
It's not an 'apply to copy' type thing is it? Have you tried it to see what it does?

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good idea, i've not yet tried selecting more than one object and applying the modifier to all of the selected objects, will test that later today. but from what i did test on a single object, it didn't seem to apply the effect at all, just remove the modifier from the stack, also no google results i could find seemed to explain this either.

Offline ratty redemption

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i've still not registered with blender's official bug tracker site, so for now i'll just post here about a crash bug i just found in the uv/image editor window > properties> display > modified. i'm not exactly sure what it's meant to do but as soon as i attempt to check that option, while an edgesplit modifier is enabled on my meshes, blender will crash.