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[MD5] export add-on for Blender 2.63+

nemyax · 58 · 175842

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Offline nemyax

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UPDATE: Updated version (for Blender 2.66+) of Arx MD5 export available here

I've written an MD5 exporter for Blender 2.63+. It takes advantage of the Bmesh data structure, so it won't work with prior versions. This exporter was done from scratch and does not use any code from older ones.

It was made for use in the Arx: End of Sun project, and built around the workflow used by the project team, not around the workflow associated with previous exporters. For usage details, see the accompanying readme file.

The exporter is up at http://arxendofsun.solarsplace.com/downloads/io_scene_md5.zip
The .zip file contains the add-on directory and a readme file (mandatory reading).

Disclaimer: I don't really know how to code, so do not expect this to work well for you. In addition, some of the transform code is based on trial and error rather than an understanding of the maths involved. However, if you've been bitten by the lack of MD5 export for 2.63 (as I have) and you abhor the prospect of sticking with pre-2.63 (as I do), you might want to give this a spin.

[EDIT]added link to updated script. kat

Offline kat

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Thanks for posting. Not had a chance to test this yet though.

Offline nemyax

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The script has been updated:
1. Fixed a frame range bug.
2. Made it record parameter values (Reorient and Scale) used during export.

Offline velociostrich

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I'm a developer on the Unvanquished project (http://unvanquished.net/). We've been having a number of issues with the previous MD5 exporter and haven't really gotten around to addressing them (opting instead to use older versions of Blender). At present, there's a lot of different versions of the old exporter just floating around on the internet, so just yesterday we set up a new github repository (https://github.com/Unvanquished/Blender-Scripts) for that purpose. Haven't had any time to upload any scripts to that, however.

tl;dr we ought to work together if we can, and get that script under revision control ASAP, whether its yours or ours. (Git is really great for this sort of thing, imo).

Offline kat

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As of now, pretty much any MD5/MD3/ASE et-al material finds a focus on KatsBits as a central hub of information on those formats so I'm not entirely sure (convinced) adding yet another download/repository location is an effective way of dealing with the problem you're addressing with your comment.

What I'd suggest is you version up what you need using Git and your hosting channel, then post here to let everyone know it's availability, this allows everyone to do what they need, minus, the problems associated with projects going offline and/or disappearing, taking all their content with them - over the years that's happened more times that it should and we loose a lot of material as a result (it's also one of the reasons KatsBits was set up some 12 years ago [under a different name]).

In other words, I'd encourage you and other authors (including nemyax) to work independently or collectively as required and circumstances dictate. Good luck with your project by the way.

Offline nemyax

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We've been having a number of issues with the previous MD5 exporter and haven't really gotten around to addressing them
Have you tried this exporter with your assets?
get that script under revision control ASAP
It's version-controlled in the Arx End of Sun repo.

Offline motorsep

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I gave this exporter a try. It didn't work for me.

I unzipped .py file into scripts/addon/ , started Blender, went to Preferences to activate the addon and it was not there :/ Nor it was in Export menu.

Offline nemyax

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Put the io_scene_md5 directory in addons, not the individual .py files.

Offline motorsep

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Thanks, that worked. However, may I ask why not to get very nice GUI from existing MD5 exporter and not re-invent the wheel?

Offline nemyax

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A quick note on why mesh and anim export are separated (so that there's no more Drama):
In the course of working with a scene, a completed mesh normally needs to be exported only once. However, you may need to export multiple animations for that mesh. For that reason, anim export is a separate command, and the GUI (one particular dropdown, really) from der_ton and keless' script was not adopted.

Offline motorsep

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Mesh file can be overwritten every time you export, it's just an automated thing. But exporting one Action at a time is a total pain.

Offline nemyax

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exporting one Action at a time is a total pain.
Does the previous script write multiple anims per save?

Offline motorsep

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Offline nemyax

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I see. I should certainly add that at some point.
I'm not sure when I'll be able to though.