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Unity 4 Videos

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Offline ratty redemption

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understood, thanks milk. and he he, i remember well what it's like to work in 256 size textures for games. i actually enjoyed the challenge to see how much detail we could cram into those.

Offline ratty redemption

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i've just had a quick read of the unity "terms of use":


and i'm not sure what to think of this part:
General Prohibitions

You agree not to do any of the following:

Post, upload, publish, submit or transmit any text, graphics, images, software, music, audio, video, information or other material that: ... (iv) is defamatory, obscene, pornographic, vulgar or offensive; (v) promotes discrimination, bigotry, racism, hatred, harassment or harm against any individual or group; (vi) promotes violence or actions that are threatening to any other person; or (vii) promotes illegal or harmful activities or substances.

doesn't that pretty much cover all mature rated video games? bioshock infinite for example has violence, strong language, racism, bigotry, drug use etc. and rpg's like the witcher series also have nudity and **** scenes. and of course there is the infamous gta games, or the satirical saint's row series with their particular take on the traditional baseball bat.

kat, what is your interpretation of the unity tos?

Offline kat

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Yeah, it's an interesting one. I think UDK has similar terms which would, if interpreted in a literal sense, prevent most 18+ games - pretty much all combat games based on modern theatres of war could be argued on the ground of xenophobia (intolerance of Arab stereotypes) for example.

I think it's supposed to be interpreted in a similar way to current anti-inflammatory and anti-incitement laws, i.e. you can't/shouldn't be making/distributing games which make deliberate calls to some form of action, violence or other call to cause harm (think 'neo-nationalists', islamophobes, terrorist groups and so forth). And yes, you certainly couldn't make an 18+/M rated 'Adult' game with it (or anything that would allow that type of interaction between users).

Generally speaking these types of terms are aimed at protecting the company from being sued because "such-and-such used their engine so they support that kind of philosophy/action" etc. So yes, on one hand is it a de facto restriction on use, but on the other it protects the company from liabilities.

Back on topic. Being an ISO game, and the level of detail (based on camera distance), going above 256x256 seems redundant as the benefits attributed to larger sizes may not be that noticeable. Might be worth testing for the sake of testing though.

(see here for continuation of ToS discussion)

Offline silicone_milk

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I'm still around. The animation video has been a bit delayed as I've been busy with other things recently. I should have some extra time to record the video soon.

Offline ratty redemption

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cool and i've since been watching as many video tutorials as i can find on unity, and especially the playmaker visual scripting (fsm) plugin, which looks like a very useful toolset for myself and other non coder types.

i am particularly interested in seeing your game coming together since you're walking us through the blender to unity workflow.

Offline ratty redemption

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this unite 2012 talk on substance materials in unity is amazing, it's similar to crazy bump. although built into the unity editor, and with even more options to tweak than cb.
