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Blender 2.68? New content creator for IMVU

Nilly · 12 · 23443

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Offline Nilly

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Hello everyone :)

English is not my motherlanguage so I'll do my best to be understandable :/

I know a little blender , I only learned to make Collada . I just needed to learn the tools of modeling, the materials , apply a texture. For IMVU I tried to follow this tutorial : http://www.katsbits.com/tutorials/video/imvu-furniture-blender.php because I want to create decorative objects. I have blender 2.68 , I do not think I understood what export tool I needed ? I downloaded it https://bitbucket.org/jacobb/imvu_cal3d/downloads

I create a cupcake tower with several materials in the options on each materials I chose a 512 or 256 texture. I used this blender file http://www.katsbits.com/files/imvu/jazzkat_template_imvu_furniture.zip

When I click my cupcake tower and furniture.RIG I can not use CTRL + J it does not work . That makes me an error "no mesh data to join" But I select both. I'm also completely lost after the tutorial , it does absolutely not look at my Blender 2.68 , I do not understand the history of things and rename to 'parent' ... :(

Is someone willing to help me?

Thanks for all and have a nice day :)

Offline kat

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You're about 70% there. First make sure you use the script for Blender 2.64, it works with 2.68 (the one you used only works with older versions of Blender). You need to "Parent" ("Ctrl+P") the mesh to the Armature, not "Join" - that is why you got the error. Select the MESH first then Armature, then use "Ctrl+P" to Parent them together. Make sure you're following or have read through the "Quick guide to making IMVU furniture" here and you should be OK.

Offline Nilly

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Oh my god Kat you're so nice... i have understand for CTRL+P now, i have selected "object" and now when I move furniture.RIG the cupcakes moves with it !

Thanks a lot for explain me where is the good script  :'(

You're so kind really thanks again now I hope it's OK I follow next steps and be back if I have another problems or if it's successfull too, thanks again really

Offline kat

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No worries. Just take your time and you should do OK. If not ask to join the IMVU Workshop where there are a few more resources available (you might want to join anyway).

Offline Nilly

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Hello again kat! I have followed the tutorials and install the good script for 1.64+

The script works well, all the stuff needed is exported, but when I want to import the .XMF in IMVU, nothing happens.. the grey  basic chair "vanish".... and it's all. I dont understand because I see all my materials... the numbers of triangles... It's like the object is not here.

Offline Nilly

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I have opened the console and it said a long culumn about :
WARNING : vertex <Vector <- [coordinates or stuff like that, lot of numbers] has no influences!

the list is very long :(

Offline kat

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If you've made models for Collada then you should already be familiar with the general process, it's basically the same. From that error message it looks like you've either not assigned, or not properly assigned a vertex group to the mesh. Double-check that. As mentioned in the tutorials linked to above, you need to have at least one of those for the item to work in IMVU. Watch/read them again slowly so you properly understand each step of the process otherwise you will just get more confused.

Offline Nilly

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I'm sorry the game was Second Life and its not necessary for him, it's new for me :x

I have follow again all the steps in the tutorial, and YES this error has disappeared, but... same result.

The item does not load, only blank...

I have take a screenshoot :

just one warning, matrix world...? :(

I think i'm good to follow the tutorial third u_u

Offline kat

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Re-read this section of the Furniture tutorial; you need to 'set' the size/scale of the object before you export (and before you parent - which means you'll need to unparent the mesh, "Alt+P" select "Keep Transform", then follow the instructions cited).

If the item is blank in IMVU it means you've not assigned your vertex group properly (there isn't one or there's a 'problem' of some kind). Again it says in the tutorials that you need to make sure to have your initial group called "Root" - if you don't do this IMVU won't know what to do with the mesh which is why it doesn't display.

You may also need to properly name your materials so you have at least "Material[0]" etc., instead of "Material.001", this will produce "Material[0].xrf" (good) instead of "Material.001.xrf" (bad) which can be problematic for IMVU to understand (your actual texture images can be called anything you like, it's the material names that are important).

By the way if you have multiple posts you can edit your previous and just add the new info to that, just saves having to scroll through pages of posts with little information.

Offline Nilly

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Hello again...

It works!

What were the names of materials that did not work apparently!

I do not know how to thank you for your patience, your kindness, if I did not give up and I go to the end, it's because you helped me!

I want to thank you with a 'real' things, what does that would help you at the moment? an ad for your site on my IMVU profile, a little money, or a drawing, perhaps?

Thanks again and have a wonderfull day!

Offline kat

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Browse the store ;)

Seriously though, your being able to get the item working and uploaded to IMVU is more than enough.