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Flash controlled 3d image in IMVU

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Offline PapaBear52

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I have created a wall clock in Flash and was wondering how to connect it to a 3d image so that the flash program controls the hour, minute and second hands but can be mounted on the wall. I would like for this image and flash program to be loaded when an avatar enters the room.

Offline kat

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Flash in IMVU is an overlay that sits 'on top' of the view, it can't be 'embedded' in the scene in the same way as normal UV assigned bitmaps so it's not possible to do what you're thinking of doing. It can be used to trigger actions and animations based on various types of input (typically user) however, the kind of incremental properties attributed to a clock would need some serious programming and even then you're relying on IMVU's flash compatibility always working and/or being consistent (which it's not).

Offline PapaBear52

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Thanks for the quick response...Then the ones I have seen in the catalog must be done someway with animations....back to the drawing board....lol

Offline kat

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Probably some clever scripting using flash as a 'control' overlay. Beyond that I don't think it's possible, certainly not with the flash app being UVW mapped to the mesh, that's just not possible (it's a long requested feature though).

Offline PapaBear52

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That is the same idea that I have been coming up with.....so now I guess I need to figure out how to use Flash as a control