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3D Modeling WIP Topic

kat · 270 · 341044

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Offline ratty redemption

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milk, are you using unity's mecanim to blend the animations?

Offline silicone_milk

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Yeah, partly why the video is taking a while to get out there. I'm going to be covering mechanim. Quite a learning curve there.

Offline ratty redemption

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cool and i can imagine, from what i've seen of it in other videos.

Offline kat

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Another IMVU room. Textured in temp placeholder 'checkers'. Tris count is higher than I'd like because IMVU wanted a heavier use of vertex painting to indicate shadows. Final weighed in at about 4500 iirc (minus vertex painting mesh would have been around 2500) (final published item and as used).

Offline ratty redemption

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cool, nice modeling of the house. do the imvu characters get to wander around in these maps?

and is that shadow vertex mesh just where the shadows are going to be, or is it overdrawing all geometry?

Offline kat

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The engine IMVU uses is equivalent to idTech II (Quake 2, maybe early idTech III) in capability - Pixomatic Rendering Technology. In theory the numbers - mesh density, texture sizes and so on - are supposed to be relatively low, it's more or less akin to Quake III limits for scenes and items that drop into it, however characters models are c.2500 tris in default dress but can go into the as high as 100k (usually because 99.99% of users making content for IMVU don't understand/don't care about proper game development principles and optimisation techniques).

The world is modelled and lit semi-dynamically - a limited number of light entities (no more than three are recommended) are place in to a scene which vertex shade meshes relative to their position. No lightmaps or other 'artistic' shadowing so everything either has to be vertex painted at the mesh level or baked into the texture (as we would do with any other type of model).

Characters don't 'walk' like other first/third person games, they move using location markers, you click one and the avatar moves to it. Character actions and animations are then carried out relative to the spot the avatar is on so they can 'move' but reset back to the starting spot (in instances of animated short walk sequences), or move around the spot (looped sequences).

This is an old presentation on IMVU but gives a better idea of what the 'game' is about (the name is pronounced "im vu" rather than "i m v u" and whilst it doesn't specifically mean anything in terms of it being an acronym for something - a common misconception is that it means "Instant Messaging Virtual Universe", it doesn't - the term does correlate to shorthand references for "IM" being "Instant Messaging", which is what the program actually is, with "VU" ("view") similarly correlating to "3D View" - the medium through which the program functions).

Offline ratty redemption

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cool, and understood about the engine limits. i like the idea of the point and click interface for moving, to clarify do the characters teleport between the location markers, or do you see them animate to them?

Offline kat

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I'm not sure if they are actually teleported as we would understand that, i.e. I'm not sure if they actually 'disappear' from one marker to be 'respawned' at another. The transition does happen very quickly though.

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Can't believe so much time has passed since the last post in this topic! Over a year!!! Time is passing far too quickly for sure.

Anywho, poking around Blender 2.70 making what will eventually be a brushed-based level (2.70 because they removed the MAP export script from 2.71). Not sure at this stage whether it'll be for RtCW, some GPL'd idtech4 project or something put together in Unity or some such (RtCW would be more straightforward to do but few play the game anymore), a dungeon-crawler or something. Have to say that creating a 'maze' that doesn't look like a maze without resorting to corridor-room-corridor-room structures is pretty challenging to say the least!.

Offline ratty redemption

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looks interesting kat.

i still hope to use unity for my game i have planned, but all my time is currently taken up with the music video project. anyway, if you do decide on unity it would be interesting to follow the development of a level like this.

Offline kat

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Using Blender as a brush-based level editor is interesting. The one thing definitely missing is the non-object focused camera movement available in Radiant/QuArk et-al ('free' movement?). The main advantage is being able to use layers to organise the project, different areas or rooms can be placed on separate layers to facilitate focused/localised editing.

Offline ratty redemption

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as well as the general design, i like how you group by color the various objects. what are their materials settings in blender, if you don't mind me asking?

Offline kat

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The Materials just different 'Diffuse' colours (for general identification as you mention). The meshes do have UV maps and textures but that's just so they have a channel assigned for export; all that will be done in Radiant.

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Forgot to post this here. Just an update on making a *.map style level in Blender.

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Nothing has been posted here for a while so here's a Nazi Gold Train (actually an armored train decorated for RtCW) based on the recent news about treasure hunters allegedly discovering a forgotten Nazi train full of gold. Total tris for all four carriages is about 6500, each textured with a 1024x512 (which might then be resized to 512x512 for game use). Fun project done over 4 or 5 days. Have to admt though texturing was annoying because the field-grey colour is a real pain to work with on a cheap, old laptop because screen contrast changes from top-to-bottom (more contrast at top which makes discerning detail difficult because textures appear much darker than they are).