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Removing stubborn Orphaned data from Blender files

kat · 1 · 20581

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Removing stubborn Orphaned data from Blender files.

Orphaned data is a pain in the potatoes to remove from Blender, but here's a quick way to do it when others have failed. Once cleared files can be saved or exported clear of unwanted data, particularly helpful removing Action sequences no longer being used (no 'User').

Switch an available Area to the Outliner Editor ("Shift+F9"). Left-click the "Type of information to display:" selector in the views Header. From the list select "Blender File" (not "Orphan Data"). Expand the element that needs tidying up (click the "+") then right-click the items to be removed, selecting "Delete" from the menu that appears.

Additional Reading
- [Blender] copy/paste data or objects between Scenes.
- [Blender] cleaning Orphan Data from *.blend files.