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Quake 4 model error

cuetip · 5 · 15937

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Offline cuetip

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I want to replace a few models in Quake 4 with censored ones. Today I tried testing out one model in a map that contained it and got this error upon loading: http://i51.tinypic.com/314w7e9.jpg

The only thing I can think of is that the censored model's info is programmed into the censored version's gamex86.dll. The md5anim and md5mesh in the censored version are very different from the international version. It looks like the game is looking for a specific value... Any ideas?

Offline kat

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The "value" is likely the number of frames that *should* be present in the *.md5anim (however that's being loaded), I'm guessing there's an issue where it appears to be looking for "1" frame of animation data and it's finding "69" so it errors out. You'll probably need to check the MD5 files, any script references and/or entity properties data (the stuff usually associated with the *.def files).

Offline cuetip

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Adding the associated def files made the map load but the covers aren't textured.... I made sure the covers folder was in the correct folder and that the directory structure was correct. All the covers textures are there. But I did notice that the lwo version isn't textured but in the censored version's editor they're automatically textured by the editor somehow...

Offline cuetip

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So it turns out what I was missing was a material file called "germany.mtr". Once I got that file and folder and put it into q4base and loaded the maps, the textures loaded on the meshes perfectly! I guess the materials file tells the game what texture(s) to use for a mesh? I didn't think to use the def files. I thought they were just a reference for the editor. Anyway, thanks again Kat :)

Btw, the game looks much better with the censored models as opposed to the original/none. The human torso units seemed so unoriginal, plus it killed the Quake I grew up with.

Offline kat

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There you go. Glad you finally got it sorted out.