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[imvu] Using UV map as texture

Jhaeza · 28 · 51609

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Offline Jhaeza

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Hello guys,

This is my first post on here and I created a pillow as a seat and use bevel on it.
I created a UV map and my first question would be, how I can make it look like the one I created on 3DS Max. Somehow the one from 3DS Max looks more clean and isn't green.

Plus, how can I use this UV map as a texture on Blender and IMVU?
So that, when I fill the parts it really just fits the mesh. I used "flatten mapping" in 3DS Max and is there a good option for Blender, too (which is that simple)?

Blender UV Map:

3DS Max:

Offline kat

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Blender colour tints UV's based on Material assignments to the mesh. To 'clear' that, select the mesh Object and then in "Material" Properties left-click the "Diffuse" colour sample (will be green). A colour-picker will appear. Left-click the centre of the wheel, or left-click drag each of the "R", "G" and "B" values to "1.000". This sets the Material colour to 'white'.

With the mesh selected in Edit Mode to expose the UV's, in the UV/Image Editor click the "UV's" menu item in the Header, then "Export UV Layout". This open the File Browser/Export window. Bottom-left are the "Export UV Layout" options. Change "Fill Opacity:" to "0.00". This forces Blender to export just the wireframe. If that image is opened in an image-editor it's then possible to change the background to suit.

Design note: if the UV is not mapped to a placeholder image it defaults to being 1024x1024 when exported (this can be adjusted in the options mentioned above).

Once the Wireframe image is available as an image itself - saved as a PNG or other format - its loaded into Blender and used just like any other image; assigned to a Material, then mapped to a UV.

Offline Jhaeza

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@kat: Thank you, I was able to do it like that and it finally worked. I copied that pillow, so that I have two now and they share the same material. When I upload my mesh to IMVU, the second (copied) pillow stays with a white texture, though.

What is the problem right there?

Offline kat

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What do the Material assignments look like in Create Mode? Are there two slots or just one?

If there are two, the second slot will need the same image assigned to it as IMVU treats each independently from other slots, even when the same image is used multiple times (subject to set-up in Blender). If there is just the one slot make sure the duplicate uses the same Material and Texture assignment in Blender before export - white usually means there's a Material issue.

Offline Jhaeza

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There are two slots in create mode and I added the same texture as you said and the result is what I actually want, I mean, that they share the same texture.
But I'd like to have one material slot, which works for both of the pillows. Since the pillows are the same (mesh, texture and UV), I'd like to use only one slot for both. So when I change something, it appears on both of the pillows.

How can I do that? I guess, it would be something in Blender, right?

Offline kat

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That generally happens, i.e., using separate textures, when the meshes are either; 1) separate (individual meshes), or 2) have separate material assignments in Blender. If it's the former, "1)", join the two meshes together in Blender and export as a single unit - when imported into IMVU that should only pull in a single XMF. If its the latter, "2)", make sure both elements use the same Material and texture assignment in Blender (note that the way IMVU works with Materials now [XRF files now longer needed] both mesh elements may need to be joined together anyway - each texture assignment in IMVU is unique unless xrf files are used [IMVU assigns textures rather than materials when xrf is disabled]).

Offline Jhaeza

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Hmm, to be honest I don't really know which of those is my problem. I just dragged & dropped a texture from my Explorer on Windows into Blender and on the mesh I want it on. When I go to that little material icon, I can't see mine. And in object mode I right-clicked both of the pillows and pressed CTRL+J. And saved it like that.

Oh, I have another question: I duplicated the nodes I already have for the second pillow. I couldn't export this, though. How can I add a second spot for the pillow right next to the first one?

Also thank you, that you are helping me out so well. I really don't know what I'd do without your help on this.  ;D

Offline kat

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When the mesh is imported into Create Mode are you loading two separate XMF files or just one?

Regards to the drag-n-dropping the *image*: that sounds like Blender is assigning the image directly to the objects UV map, if you drag the texture in twice it may have created two unique instances of the same asset. This is also why Material Properties is blank; you'll need to create a proper Material reference with Texture and Image slots (the drag-n-dropped bitmap is associated with the latter). You can then assign that one Material to both meshes.

Regards the nodes: extra seat nodes need to be joined to the primary Armature of the item. Right-click select the Armature you want to join to something then the Armature you want this joined to (this must always be selected last), and press "Ctrl+J" to "Join". This physically joins the Armature together so the result can be exported as a larger unit.

Offline Jhaeza

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I could finally upload one material for both of the pillows, thank you. I assigned that one material to both meshes, like you said.

But when I add the second nodes, my avatar just stands in the pillow. How can I solve that?

Offline kat

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The names attributed to the second set of bones need amending, they should be numbered "seat02.Sitting" etc., with the ".001" removed - each 'set' of nodes need to be incrementally numbered (this is for rooms but the numbering schematic applies to furniture).

Offline Jhaeza

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Thank you, that worked as well!

Now, if I let's say want to add legs to this. I could just form it how I want it to be and would CTRL+J it to the pillows and that would be done? Or would I have to do the same steps as shown here by you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6Oj5hqPar4&t=947s?

Offline kat

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It's easier to extrude from what you already have, that way you only worry about the structure being added and not other things - joining meshes could throw the Origin Point out of alignment for example.

Offline Jhaeza

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But I can still have differents materials for the extruded parts in IMVU?

Offline kat

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Yes, you just need to assign different Materials to the new sections AND map a different image to their respective UV's - https://www.katsbits.com/tutorials/blender/learning-multiple-materials-textures-images.php

Offline Jhaeza

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I have this feeling like this is way more complicated for me. I can't really form the extruded parts how I want to.
If I wanted to make it like I told earlier, by uploading a few meshes (not merged), how would that work? Just, that I can try it out at least.